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The toddler years are a time full of great cognitive, emotional and social development and full of big and small emotions.
Preschool is a time of rapid growth for the children. They are ready to take more chances and experiment with fun new experiences.
With school on the horizon, pre-kindergartners are inspired to think critically, explore new ideas, and build on the STEM, language, art, and social skills they’ll need to succeed.
To serve the needs of our busy parents
we are open extended hours 6:30 am - 8:00 pm
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Mama Roza’s Garden Childcare is a new addition to the main floor of the Hys Centre. This brand new cutting-edge facility has a mission to provide high-quality childcare for the children of professionals with extended hours. Mama Roza’s is dedicated to caring for, and nurturing the total child; our goal is to encourage the development of happy, confident, healthy children who are enthusiastic learners. Our innovative programming’s emphasis is on helping young children develop the social, physical, and academic skills they will need to succeed in school. This childcare facility will provide a stable, safe and supportive environment where children are encouraged to indulge their natural curiosity about the world around them. At Mama Roza’s, children will develop socialization skills by interacting with their peers and adult staff at the Center, and they will cultivate fundamental physical and mental skills, as well as the self-confidence that will ensure their success at school and beyond.
Mama Roza’s will be led by two child care industry veterans, Frida Pesin and Esta Karpulis. Frida has a sales, marketing, management, and executive administration background within the industry. Esta Karpulis, who is a skilled early childhood education specialist is a leader within her field. She was formally trained at Grant MacEwan University and has honed her talents over the past fifteen years
as a lead-teacher. Not only has she touched the lives of children of all ages, but she has also demonstrated a strong ability to work effectively and productively with complex needs. Esta is gifted and creative — the impact that she has on the youngsters in her care is a positive influence that lasts a lifetime.
The Mama Roza’s team are thrilled to be a part of the community
Feeding Kids Project
Mama Roza is proud to use Sphere Merchant Services and partner in Project Feeding Kids how you can help With Project Feeding Kids, our customers are helping us feed children and families in need by simply becoming a customer. A Simple Yet Powerful Approach Providing Essential Services and Feeding Children in Need. ACN is committed…
How to Make Healthy Eating Fun for Your Kids
Do your kids consider the words “eat just one more bite of broccoli” a declaration of war at the dinner table? Are you assembling healthy school lunches each week only to have your handiwork return picked-through? Is the threat of scurvy in your family imminent? (Hope not!) Well, I have good news. There’s a simple…
Importance of Play in Children’s Development
Play is critical for children’s development because it provides time and space for children to explore and gain skills needed for adult life. Children’s playtime has steadily decreased due to limited access to play spaces, changes in the way children are expected to spend their time, parent concerns for safety, and digital media use. Between…
Seven benefits of outdoor play for Children
From playing on iPads to watching television, children seem to be spending more and more time indoors. The increase in numbers of children spending a predominate amount of time inside has led to numerous studies being published highlighting the negative impact this is having on their health and development. At the same time, research has…