Feeding Kids Project

Mama Roza is proud to use Sphere Merchant Services and partner in Project Feeding Kids how you can help With Project Feeding Kids, our customers are helping us feed children and families in need by…

How to Make Healthy Eating Fun for Your Kids

Do your kids consider the words “eat just one more bite of broccoli” a declaration of war at the dinner table? Are you assembling healthy school lunches each week only to have your handiwork return…

Importance of Play in Children’s Development

Play is critical for children’s development because it provides time and space for children to explore and gain skills needed for adult life. Children’s playtime has steadily decreased due to limited access to play spaces,…

Seven benefits of outdoor play for Children

From playing on iPads to watching television, children seem to be spending more and more time indoors. The increase in numbers of children spending a predominate amount of time inside has led to numerous studies…